Saturday, November 15, 2008

Victim of VCM Trade For Life Scam

Completed 7-day training.

Trading platform doesn't work. Disconnected from server several times a day. This happened to all the students. The instructor explained that improvements were planned. He also explained the the CEO was trying to buy the software company so that he could get the necessary upgrades accomplished. Until then we are stuck with this outdated piece of $%#$%.

Current trader advancement chart shows that out of over 1000 traders in the program, 95% of them have never advanced beyond Level 1 in the trader advancement program.

Instructor said that the traders who the CEO spoke of who were beyond level 12 were not part of the trade for life program. They contract with the company as independent traders. They use a different trading platform than the people in Trade For Life program. They pay extra for it, but it actually works.